Friends of Youth is committed to providing quality services to our communities. Every four years, our agency undergoes an extensive quality audit by a neutral third party, the Council on Accreditation (COA).
The audit process requires an intensive review of Friends of Youth policies, practices, and procedures while assessing them in alignment with COA standards. After an initial review of these documents, COA will provide Peer Reviewers—other human services professionals with extensive experience in their fields—to Friends of Youth sites where they will assess the quality of daily operations.
Friends of Youth is currently undergoing the accreditation process, and we will be happy to announce its completion to all. The attainment of COA Accreditation signifies third-party validation of Friends of Youth’s commitment to maintaining high-quality services—an honor consistently upheld for many years.
For more information regarding the Council on Accreditation and the accreditation process, please email Thank you.